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  • Writer's pictureTiffany E. Taylor

Whimsy 4 is Under Contract!

Plus, Dance 2 is two-thirds of the way written!

Hey, my reader friends! Happy birthday to me! Here’s your end-of-month update for Monday, June 27, 2022:

• I’ve picked a winner for my birthday giveaway, who has won digital copies of Whimsical Haven, Whimsical Princess, One More Chance, and Under the Moon! I am so pleased for her (and because of privacy concerns, I won’t release her name publicly, which I’m sure you completely understand). I’m one of those weird people who would rather give a gift than get a gift, so this was a great birthday present for me. Enjoy!

• In Whimsical Dreams news: I signed a contract last week with my publisher, Painted Hearts Publishing, for Book 4 of the series, Whimsical Diva. Whoop! My publisher rep told me she thinks this is the best book of the series yet, so you know I'm doing a major happy dance. We are anticipating that Book 3, Whimsical Angel, will be released early this fall, but it's a little early to start finding out where Book 4 will fall on the release schedule. And... Painted Hearts and I are also looking to toss you a little Whimsy surprise this Christmas (!), so it looks like our butch friends from APS and their femmes will be around for some time to come.

• In The Dance News: As of this past weekend, I reached 52k words on The Panther and The Dove (FYI, I seem to average around 85K on my books), which I affectionately call Dance 2. Things are heating up a bit—which is a good thing because I like to balance loss and grieving books with passion, humor, and romance so it's not all doom and gloom. I'm really happy with my progress and I don't see any reason I can't make my self-imposed deadline of going into beta by the end of August. I'm hoping to have a synopsis of the book to you all soon.

• In Supernatural Souls news (my paranormal series!): After The Panther and The Dove goes into beta, I will be resuming work on my first full-length book of that series, Coven, which I had to put down for a minute to take care of a few other things. Under the Moon was actually the first book in the Supernatural Souls series, but it's only a novella—this will actually be a full novel. Witches and warlocks and demons... Oh, my! I already have about a third of it written, so I would love to have it done and into beta in October or November (the writing gods permitting, of course).

• I'm wondering if it's too early to have my birthday apple pie yet (I'm not much of a cake person), but since my spouse will most likely give me a decided YES, I think I'm going to get off and resume work on Dance 2 for a while instead. That's it for your two-minute update! Have a wonderful day and I'll see you in mid-July ❤️


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